Saturday, October 03, 2009

مردمصری همسرش را تهدیدبه انتشارتصاویرخصوصیشان نمود


یک زن جوان مصری بامراجعه به پلیس شهرقلیوبیه ازشهرهای نزدیک به قاهره مرکزجمهوری مصرباطرح شکایتی خواستارجلب همسرش شد.این زن جوان درشکایتش اورده است که چون مدتی است که باشوهرش که کارمندیک هتل درقاهره است قهرنموده وازخانه اش بیرون رفته وی اوراتهدیدکرده که اگربه خانه برنگردی تصاویرروابط خصوصیشان راکه بدون اطلاع اوبرداشته است رادرسطح شهرمنتشرمی نماید.پلیس بعدازدریافت این شکایت حکم به بازداشت مردداده تادراین موردتحقیقات لازم رابه عمل بیاورد.

Scene of Qalyubia near the Egyptian capital Cairo and the strange and bizarre incident, after he threatened director of a hotel in Cairo with his wife published photographs had been filmed
During the marital relationship for the bedroom with the wife's refusal to reconciliation and a return to the marital home after the occurrence of marital disputes between them for some time. The Egyptian police received a tip from Shubra Ashrinip woman accuses her husband of an employee of hotels by threatening to deploy their forms during the marital relationship without her knowledge. Case were referred to the prosecution's investigation and ordered the husband to call to listen to his words in what is attributed to him from his wife

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