Sunday, October 04, 2009

مردعربستانی همسرش رابه خاطرنسبتن کمربندایمنی طلاق داد


یک مردجوان عربستانی همسرش رابه خاطرنبستن کمربندایمنی طلاق داد.ماجراازاین قراراست که هنگامیکه این زوج قصدرفتن به خانه والدین زن راداشتند؛مردجوان ازهمسرش می خواهدکه برای حفظ ایمنی اش کمربندایمنی راببنددوزن ازاین کارممانعت به عمل می اوردوکاربه بگومگوی شدیدمابین این زوج جوان کشیده می شود.دراین هنگام مرداززنش می خواهدکه ازبین نبستن کمربندایمنی وطلاق وبستن کمربندایمنی وادامه مسیریکی راانتخاب کندکه همسرکمربندرانمی بنددوبه همین سادگی طلاق داده می شود.

Cause safety belt divorce couple Saudi , in the first case of its kind taking place in Saudi Arabia.
The details of the case, which occurred late last week, led to disagreement between the spouses, after the heated quarrel, a wife asks her delivery to her family living on the fringes of the city of Khobar.
During delivery, the man asked his wife to buckle up, but she refused, saying it wants to release it as a violation at a checkpoint for traffic policemen. After the failure of attempts to link pay the belt, there were angry husband, his wife and the best link between the belt or divorce. But the wife insisted on her mind, what was nothing but the threat to do should divorce

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